12 May Thematic Network for Lifelong Learning Available to All
10/2020 – 10/2023
Educational inequality
470.217,35 EUR
European Union, European Social Fund
Institute for the Development of Education // Forum for Freedom of Education // Parents’ Association Step by Step // Croatian Association for Early Childhood Intervention // Academy for Political Development // Nansen Dialogue Center // Association for the Development of Higher Education „Universitas“ // Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia // Public Open University Zagreb // Institute for Social Research in Zagreb
External collaborators: Anka Kekez Koštro, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb
The project „Thematic Network for Lifelong Learning Available to All“ (TEMCO) will contribute to solving the problem of uncoordinated action of civil society organizations in shaping public policies to address social inequalities in lifelong learning in Croatia. The purpose of the project is to strenghten capacity of associations (specifically dealing with education, child development or public policies) to achieve effective dialogue with public administration and scientific community in designing and implementing public policies to ensure lifelong learning accessible to all.
The main goal is to establish a network of associations, researchers and other stakeholders for structured and joint analysis of educational inequalities in a lifelong perspective, proposing solutions in the field of public policies and advocacy through dialogue with public administration.
- Establish an innovative thematic network for lifelong learning for all to facilitate networking and capacity building for at least 12 NGOs and 3 other institutions for more effective policy advocacy throughout the entire educational system.
- Conduct 4 research studies in collaboration between the research community and NGOs on the dimensions of educational inequalities at the level of early childhood, primary, secondary and higher education, as well as adult education.
- Establish 6 structured dialogues with decision-makers (at national and local levels), educational institutions and learners to identify social needs, discuss research findings, and advocate policy recommendations
- 23 institutional members and over 60 experts involved in Network.
- 6 focus groups conducted on educational inequalities in Croatia with 44 stakeholders.
- 6 research projects carried out on educational inequalities at each level of education, involving more than 2,500 surveyed participants and over 300 participants in focus groups and interviews.
- 14 papers published on research results as journal articles, as chapters in a monograph, and chapters in a separate project publication.
- 6 analyses and policy recommendations published on enhancing equity and inclusion of the education system, along with 6 analyses of the potential social impact of the proposed recommendations.
- 9 roundtable discussions and 7 meetings organised with stakeholders to present research results and to open consultations on the proposed recommendations.
- Collaboration established between civil society organisations, research institutions, and educational institutions involved in the Network.
- Structured dialogue established on educational inequalities with 270 education system stakeholders, including representatives of ministries, state institutions, educational institutions and professional associations.
- Increased public visibility of the topic of educational inequalities through media coverage of the Network’s work (4 TV reports, 4 radio segments and over 50 web articles).
- Policy impact (1): 24 out of 26 proposals by the Network were accepted for amendments to the National Plan for the Development of the Education System until 2027, in order to place a stronger emphasis on equity and inclusion in the document
- Policy impact (2): Proposal accepted to include a goal related to strengthening community engagement of higher education institutions, with a special emphasis on fostering diversity, fairness, and inclusivity, in the Regulation on Programme Funding of Public Higher Education Institutions and Public Scientific Institutes in Croatia.
Analyses and Recommendations:
- Educational Inequalities in Croatia: Challenges and Needs from the Perspective of the Stakeholders of the Education System – Available only in Croatian!
- Enhancing Equity and Inclusion in Education in Croatia: Summary of Policy Recommendations
- Improving Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education in Croatia: Analysis and Policy Recommendations
- Enhancing Equity and Inclusion in Adult Education in Croatia: Analysis and Policy Recommendations
- Improving Equity and Inclusion in Secondary Education in Croatia: Analysis and Policy Recommendations
- Enhancing Equity and Inclusion in Primary Education in Croatia: Analysis and Policy Recommendations
- Enhancing Equity and Inclusion in Early Childhood Education and Care in Croatia: Analysis and Policy Recommendations
- Educational Inequalities in Croatia: Challenges and Needs from the Perspective of Education System Stakeholders
Research papers:
Available in Croatian only – see following web page for overview of articles and links: New research results on educational inequality in Croatia – Obrazovanje za sve
Social impact assessments:
Available in Croatian only – see following web page for overview of articles and links: https://www.obrazovanjezasve.hr/objavljene-smjernice-za-razvoj-javnih-politika/