In line with the Articles of Association, the main governing bodies of the Institute for the Development of Education (IDE) are the Assembly, the President, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board.
The Assembly is the highest governing body of IDE. The Assembly meets when necessary and no less than once a year. The regular session of the Assembly is summoned by the President every year. The President of IDE must also summon an Assembly session upon request by the Supervisory Board or by 10% of IDE’s regular members.
The Assembly of IDE:
- Passes the Articles of Association and its amendments;
- Appoints and relieves of duty the President, the Executive Board members, and the Supervisory Board members;
- Discusses reports by the Boards and the President;
- Adopts the financial plan and approves the final account statement;
- Establishes the general activity guidelines for IDE;
- Decides on alliances with related and similar organisations;
- Makes all the decisions regarding IDE’s operations or finances that lie outside of the scope of work of the Executive Board or the President.
The members of IDE’s Assembly are:
- Karin Doolan
- Thomas Dominic Farnell
- Martina Kado
- Ognjenka Manojlović
- Ana Marinović
- Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt
- Nedeljko Vareškić
The Assembly members were confirmed at IDE’s Election Assembly session held on 08 November 2023.
The President of IDE organises and manages IDE’s activities in line with the decisions made by the Executive Board and the Assembly. The President represents IDE legally and otherwise, and is responsible for the legality of its operations. The President summons and chairs sessions of the Executive Board. Should the President be unable to perform his or her function, he or she is to be replaced by a member of the Executive Board appointed by the Board at its first session following their appointment. The President is appointed for a term of two years and can be re-appointed. The President is accountable to the Executive Board and the Assembly, to which he or she must submit a written report once a year.
At the moment, the President of IDE is Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt, appointed until 08 November 2027.
Executive Board
The Executive Board is a collegiate executive body of the Assembly, which governs IDE in line with the Articles of Association and the decisions of the Assembly and which proposes amendments to the Articles of Association, the financial plan and the final account statement. Executive Board members are appointed by the Assembly at its annual session. The Executive Board can have no less than three, and no more than ten members. The President of IDE is a member of the Executive Board and its chairperson. The Executive Board makes its decisions through a majority of votes of all of its members. Its members are appointed for a term of two years. The Executive Board reports to the Assembly.
The members of the Executive Board are:
- Ana Skledar Matijević
- Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt
- Thomas Dominic Farnell
They are appointed until 08 November 2027.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board monitors the legality of IDE’s activities and finances. Its three members are appointed for a term of two years among IDE members at the yearly Assembly session. No member of the Executive Board can be a member of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board makes its decisions through a majority of votes of all of its members.
The members of the Supervisory Board are:
- Martina Kado
- Ognjenka Manojlović
They are appointed until 08 November 2027.