






Croatian Qualifications Framework


3.500.826,95 HRK


European Social Fund


The development of the entire field of geosciences in the world and in Croatia, encouraged by the development of electronic, satellite and computer technology, also affects the needs of the economy and society as a whole. With this accelerated technological development in geodesy, a new scientific branch has developed – geoinformatics. Geoinformation systems (GIS) is one of the fastest growing branches of information technology and their application can be found in almost all areas of human activity, from medicine to business economics. Recent research (GeoBuiz 2018 Forecasts) shows an average growth of this branch of 13.6% per year, which is supported by the development of smart cities, self-propelled vehicles and investment in climate change monitoring. There are only two faculties in Croatia where studies related to geodesy and geoinformatics are conducted: the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb (hereinafter GEOF) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split (hereinafter FGAG). Undergraduate and graduate studies in geodesy and geoinformatics are conducted at GEOF, while only undergraduate studies are conducted at FGAG. Undergraduate study of geodesy and geoinformatics is performed at GEOF by ac. yr. 2005/2006 (amended curriculum of undergraduate study introduced from the academic year 2015/16), while the graduate study of geodesy and geoinformatics is conducted from the academic year 2008/2009.
Following the continuous changes in geodesy and geoinformatics, as well as related fields, GEOF and FGAG recognized the need to align existing study programs in geodesy and geoinformatics with scientific and technological changes that have occurred in the past ten years and include predictions for the future. The need to harmonize study programs with the aforementioned changes in the economy is also indicated by the results of an alumni survey conducted in 2018 by the GEOF Quality Management Committee. The survey involved 198 former students (out of 630 graduates in the last 10 years), and collected feedback on teaching performance and evaluation of knowledge acquired at GEOF graduate school. The survey results showed that currently 30% of former students work in the sector geoinformatics while the rest is in the geodesy sector. If we take into account the accelerated growth of the geoinformatics sector, it is likely to expect increased demand for experts in the field of geoinformatics in the near future.
This project is part of the Europe 2020 strategy (Strategic Framework Education and Training 2020), which advocates creating conditions for a more competitive economy with higher employment through research, development and education in order to increase employment opportunities for graduates and increase the number of graduates. Advanced studies, as well as two newly created studies through this project, correspond to this strategy because they follow technological and scientific trends within the EU. The project will use the CROQF methodology in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the Yerevan Communication (2015), which aim to facilitate the comparison of national qualifications systems between EU members. At the national level, this project is part of the Croatian Qualifications Framework Act and the document “Smart Specialization Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2016 to 2020”, which states that GIS solutions and geospatial analysis are very important topics for research and development in within the horizontal KET (Key Advanced Technologies) and ICT topics for the needs of health services, agriculture and defense technology.
The primary target group is teachers of GEOF (15 teachers) and FGAG (2 teachers) and two higher education institutions, GEOF and FGAG, while the end users of this project are existing and future students of GEOF and FGAG who will attend advanced study programs tailored to the needs of the labor market. Through the improvement of the quality of higher education with the application of the CROQF methodology in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics, the quality of teaching will increase and the competencies of students important for the economic sector will be strengthened.


The main goal of this project is to improve the existing study programs in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics in accordance with the CROQF methodology. With this project, GEOF, in cooperation with partners FGAG and the Institute for the Development of Education (hereinafter IDE), will develop 10 occupational standards corresponding to the geodetic and geoinformatics profession, 3 qualification standards (university bachelor of geodesy and geoinformatics; geoinformatics), improve the undergraduate university study of geodesy and geoinformatics (currently conducted at GEOF and FGAG) and develop two new study programs: graduate university study of geodesy and graduate university study of geoinformatics that will replace the existing graduate and geological informatics which is performed at GEOF.


  • Prikupiti podatke o socijalnom statusu studenata u Hrvatskoj u svrhu evaluacije učinkovitosti financiranja visokog obrazovanja i politika podrške studentima te kako bi se procijenili kapaciteti za njihovo poboljšanje
  • Uspostava javno-političkog okvira za pojačavanje dimenzije jednakosti I transparentnosti u visokom obrazovanju I sustavu podrške studentima u Hrvatskoj, što se može prenijeti u zakone i druge propise
  • Uspostava radnih mjesta na sveučilišnoj razini i razini nacionalne koordinacijske grupe za implementaciju I nadzor mjera za jednak i transparentan pristup visokom obrazovanju