Social dimension of higher education

IDE promotes improving the social dimension of higher education.

Considering that social inclusion depends vastly on the achieved level of education, eliminating social inequalities in higher education plays an important role in creating an equal opportunity society. A fair and socially inclusive higher education, using different measures, must assure that admission, successful studying and obtaining a degree depend mostly on student competence and not on personal characteristics and living circumstances which students cannot control. IDE promotes improving the social dimension of higher education within a framework set through the definitions given by the official announcements on the Bologna process.

Related projects

Project InclusiPHE

Inclusive Engagement of Non-Traditional Students in Professional Higher Education (2020 – 2023)

Project TEMCO

Thematic Network for Lifelong Learning Available to All (2020 – 2023)

Project Eurostudent

National EUROSTUDENT V report for Croatia for 2014. (2014.-2016.)

Project E-Quality

E-Quality: linking quality and social inclusion in higher education in Croatia (2013.-2015.)

Project PL4SD

Peer-learning initiative for the social dimension of higher education (2012.-2015.)

Project EduQuality

Education for Equal Opportunities at Croatian Universities (2010.-2012.)


Towards Equitable and Transparent Access to HE in Croatia (2010.-2012.)

IDE’s membership in external groups related to this policy